October 2, 2007

Everyone's saying different things to me

Today I was thinking about the teacher of a class I once took called “Social Deviance”. She started the first class by sitting at the back of class and teaching facing the wall away from the students. This was the only creative thing a teacher in the community college I went to ever did. Something happened to her, something involving an accident, but I can’t remember what happened anymore.

My father banned two things in my house when I was child (well, he also banned anything Christmas related, but I’m saving those stories for Xmas week). Nestle products were banned because in the 60s or 70 they napalmed some babies or something. I don’t remember why anymore.

When I escaped from him and got my own place right after high school, I filled my new apartment with all the Nestle products I could find. It was wonderful to try all the forbidden, secret tastes of the world of Nestle. Today, I bought some more Nestle products when I stopped at the store.

The other thing that was banned from my house was the TV show “Little House on the Prairie”. This may seem strange to you, especially since no other TV shows were banned, but the reason Little was banned was because Michael Landon (aka Eugene Horowitz), Melissa Gilbert and those twins that played Carrie were all Jewish in real life. My father couldn’t stand the fact that they were praying to Jesus and all that christian stuff they did on that show.

As a result of this show being banned, I watched it every chance I could. It was a big deal, growing up in Minnesota, because Little House is set in Minnesota. Everyone from Minnesota watched Little House when he/she grew up (well, maybe not all the boys, at least openly).

I made sure every Monday night to be glued to the tv set to watch Little House and continued to watch it in reruns. My father always told me not to sit so close to the TV, so, of course I sat just inches from the tube and watched Little House that way. Laura and Mary always looked very red and green and pixilated, but I didn’t care. I guess that kind of behavior is why some doctor once told me I had Oppositional Defiant Disorder (O.D.D., of course), but I disagreed with that diagnosis. By the way, I own all the Little House DVDs. It’s still a great show.

My father always tells two stories. One is about the time he went to Chicago with his family as a teenager and how he was robbed. To this day, he will not go to Chicago because of that experience.

The other story, which comes up all the time, is a story about when my father was in gym class during swimming lessons in grade school. He always starts off by saying that in gym class the boys always had to swim naked. After he tells that fact, then he talks about a boy who drown during swimming lessons. No one noticed him until the class found him floating. My father still doesn’t know how to swim.

Today’s song is Zero 7 with “In The Waiting Line”. I relate to this song because of the line that says “There doesn't seem to be anybody else who agrees with me.” Yeah, that’s me, all the time.

Zero 7- In the Waiting Line

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